Licensed Bank Deposits in Hong Kong

API Detailed Documentation


API Data Enquiry

Output Fields (JSON) Swagger Format
Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
Lbd_yr Date Year
Lbd_tot_a Number HKD Million Total Deposits 
Lbd_dtot_a Number HKD Million  Demand: Total 
Lbd_dhk_a Number HKD Million  Demand: HK Dollar 
Lbd_dfn_a Number HKD Million  Demand: Foreign Currency 
Lbd_ttot_a Number HKD Million  Time: Total 
Lbd_thk_a Number HKD Million  Time: HK Dollar 
Lbd_tfn_a Number HKD Million  Time: Foreign Currency 
Lbd_stot_a Number HKD Million  Savings: Total 
Lbd_shk_a Number HKD Million  Savings: HK Dollar 
Lbd_sfn_a Number HKD Million  Savings: Foreign Currency 
Licensed Bank Deposits in Hong Kong
Pre-World-War-II Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Corporation Deposits (HSBC Deposits)
Period: 1954-2002 for Bank Deposits in Hong Kong;
1867-1940 for HSBC Deposits.
Period covered for breakdown of deposits into "HK dollar" and "foreign currency": 1980-2002.
Unit: HKD Million for Bank Deposits in Hong Kong;
HK Dollar for HSBC Deposits. 
Year-end Figures
Source: Hong Kong Statistics 1947-67 (1954-1967), Hong Kong Government Gazette Supplement 4 (1968-70), 
Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics (1971-2002).
Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Annual Report (under various titles). 
Note: For bank deposits in Hong Kong, the data since 1980 is a new series.
Javascript Example
url: '',
alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)
Python Example
import urllib.request
url = ''
with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:
print (