Hong Kong Government Finance: Revenue and Expenditure, Analysis/Breakdown of Government Expenditure

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Output Fields (JSON) Swagger Format
Name Type Unit Of Measure Description
Gov_yr Date Year
Gov_rev_a Number HK Dollar  Revenue 
Gov_expen_a Number HK Dollar  Expenditure 
Gov_exp_genad_a Number HK Dollar  General Administration 
Gov_exp_govund_a Number HK Dollar  Undertakings of Government 
Gov_exp_pubhea_a Number HK Dollar  Public Health 
Gov_exp_pubins_a Number HK Dollar  Public Instruction 
Gov_exp_pubor_a Number HK Dollar  Public Order 
Gov_exp_wk_a Number HK Dollar  Public Works 
Gov_exp_defen_a Number HK Dollar  Defence 
Hong Kong Government Finance: Revenue and Expenditure, Analysis/Breakdown of Government Expenditure
Period: 1844-2002 for government revenue and expenditure;
1844-1930 for breakdown of government expenditure.
Unit: HK Dollar for government revenue and expenditure;
% for breakdown of government expenditure.
Source: Revenue and Expenditure: Hong Kong Blue Book (1844-1940); HK Statistics 1947-67 (1947-1967), HK Annual Digest of Statistics (1968-2002).
Breakdown of Government Expenditure: Hong Kong Government (1932), Hong Kong Historical and Statistical Abstract of the Colony of Hong Kong 1841-1930.
Note: Due to rounding off of numbers, the sum of breakdowns of government expenditure may not be equal to 100. 
Javascript Example
url: 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/hkimr/government-finance?offset=0',
alert('results found:'+ data.result.datasize)
Python Example
import urllib.request
url = 'https://api.hkma.gov.hk/public/hkimr/government-finance?offset=0'
with urllib.request.urlopen (url) as req:
print (req.read())