Sharing by Fintech industry leader - Mr Ericson Chan, Group Chief Information and Digital Officer, Zurich Insurance
Mr Chan shared his insights on the latest fintech landscape and how fintech has changed the business model of financial services.
SFC’s regulation on virtual assets - Ms Clara Chiu, Director of Licensing & Head of Fintech Unit, Securities and Futures Commission
Ms Chiu introduced the SFC’s regulatory framework for virtual assets.
How cryptography works - Dr K.P. Chow, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong
Prof Chow introduced the basic ideas and properties of cryptography.
Crypto and the Future of Money - Mr Henri Arslanian, FinTech & Crypto Leader, Asia, PwC Hong Kong
Mr Arslanian shared his insights on the developments of cryptoassets and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), as well as their potential impact on the future of financial services.